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Fun For Friday - My 4th of July

I'm both glad and slightly annoyed that it's Friday. How is that you ask? Well, because we were off yesterday, today is sort of like Monday again. But, it's also Friday again. Talk about making your week all sorts of confusing right?

I won't even talk about how jealous I am of everyone who took the day off today. I hope they're enjoying the lake, pool, whatever they're up to. Yep, don't think about those of us at work while you're off playing....nope...not jealous ;-)

Since yesterday was a holiday, I thought it'd be appropriate to play off of that for Fun for Friday. We didn't do anything exciting. No parties or cookouts. I guess we were sort of lame. Of course, I knew I had to be getting up the next day.

So here's how our 4th went down:

Jason worked half a day

I woke up far earlier than I had wanted

At 6:15 am I was cleaning out cabinets because we are going to paint them

I found an old crockpot and texted Amy to see if she wanted it

Amy said she was heading out for a run - I said give me 10 mins

Sometimes ditching your rest day for an awesome run is acceptable

I still think we might laugh more than we should while running, but we had a great 6-mile run/chat

Since I was clearly not resting, I did shoulders and triceps

I spent about 20 minutes on my Triggerpoint Therapy kit while eating breakfast - multi-tasking

Had to make a trip to Home Depot and decided to take a spin through Whole Foods, I mean, why not?

I spent a solid 20 minutes looking at a variety of energy and protein bars - what is it about that section?

I found some new-to-me products: Field Roast Lentil & Sage and Wild Mushroom Deli Slices. Also picked up the new Daiya spread plus a few new bars: Oatmega and Health Warrior Chia Bar.

More cabinet clearing, including the tedious task of taking off handles plus laundry

1:30 pm and I felt I had earned myself some patio time

Reading on the patio for an hour then it was back to house work

By 6:30 I realized I had not planned ahead for having the kitchen completely cleared out in terms of dinner

I was in bed by 8:45.

How about you? Did you have a big blowout for the 4th of July?


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