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Women & Weights, Spin & Butternut Squash Chili

Spin Over a Run
Today I had high hopes for running. It started off really cold this morning, but the sun came out in full force. The forecast was for low 50's. Sounded pretty good to me. But the wind was not cooperating. Maybe I'm just a big old whimp, but running in 24+mph winds just doesn't sound like fun.

Luckily, I had a backup plan. I did pack clothes for spin class as well. So, it was spin with triceps before class. I did triceps as a triset of 3x8:

Double-arm overhead triceps extensions
Lying triceps extensions

Then it was off to spin my little legs off. I think leg day (Saturday) and the interval runs from Sunday were catching up with me a bit today though. My legs felt so heavy. In my mind I was moving faster, but in reality, not so much. But, it was a good class. Definitely gave me a much-needed energy boost for the day.

So, for you runners, what's your limitation on the weather? I've run in sleet, rain, storms, 17 degree temps, 95+ degree temps, even in the dark. But wind is my enemy.

Women & Weights
I guess while I'm on the subject of working out, I found it interesting that yesterday many of you said avoid the weight area out of intimidation. Not wanting to look like you don't know what you're doing or be around the grunting, sweaty men.

I used to be that way. I stuck to weights at home. But knew that if I wanted to continue to increase my strength, I'd have to buy a new house to accommodate a bigger gym or suck it up and go to the gym I paid for. I was definitely intimidated. In fact, I still avoid the machines and stick to what I know: free weights and barbells.

I always write out my workouts, plug in my music, carve out my space, and just zone out. Basically, I ignore all the men around me and pretend I know exactly what I'm doing. The way I see it (because I've watched) they don't always know what they're doing either. But for whatever reason, they don't mind, or they don't realize they're doing something all wrong.

So what can be done to make weights less intimidating for women? Not everyone can afford a personal trainer, and not everyone has space for a home gym either. In other words, maybe not even the luxury of doing home DVDs just to learn like I did.

What are your thoughts on this? For those who do hit the weights, how did you overcome any intimidation? For those who stay away, what would make it less intimidating?

Making Dinner Easier
As I mentioned yesterday, I had some leftover butternut squash already roasted. I decided to use it to make my Butternut Squash and Black Bean Chili, only this time I added in crumbled tempeh to the mix.

Since the squash was already cooked, I added it at the very to simply heat it through. I didn't want it to become mush.

I actually did myself a favor and multi-tasked (usually not a good idea when I'm cooking). I went ahead and made up some brown rice for a Thai dish for tomorrow. Jason went to Target hungry yesterday and came home with some pre-made Thai sauces. I have homemade seitan on hand. Now I have the rice as well. So, this should make for a super fast, super simple mid-week dinner tomorrow. If only I could be this efficient all the time....

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Spin class
  • Sunshine 
  • Warm chili for dinner


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