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Spin & Super Salad

More Spinning
I had every intention of waking up early and going for a run. I had my clothes set out. I had the alarm set. Then I slept very poorly (up at least every 2 hours). At 3:45 I made the executive decision to reset the alarm for my normal time. If I just happened to wake up early enough, then I'd go. If not, it'd be spin or a rest day.

I packed my gym bag in case I decided to hit spin. I wasn't really sure what I'd do or not do to be honest. I noticed a nagging pain on the inside of my right ankle area that started this morning. Apparently a good thing I didn't run after all. I did hit up spin. I desperately needed the break mid-day. My co-workers that went to the training classes with me and I were taking our certification test today.

So, after 2 hours testing, spin was a welcome break. I decided to get in biceps before class. I went with a giant set of 3x8:

Alternating curls
Hammer curls
Incline curls

Then it was off to spin - aka Sweatfest. It was a good class actually. I haven't taken from this instructor (happens to be the owner) since they switched from Group Ride back to "home grown" spin classes. It was very similar to Group Ride though - no crazy low-ceiling hovers thank goodness.

Easy Dinner
After class, it was back to testing. Suffice to say, my brain is absolutely taxed today. I went with a no-thinking dinner tonight: Roasted Tempeh & Veggie Salad. I would have grilled, but the heat index was 105. Um, 105 plus heat from grill...Don't think so.

I roasted up sweet potatoes, green bell peppers, red onions, squash, zucchini, portobellos, and tempeh. I did marinate the tempeh in some balsamic vinaigrette before baking along with the veggies. And, I added in jarred roasted red bell peppers as well. I'll admit to being rather frugal with my fresh red bells. They're not cheap, so when I can use the jarred, that's what I do.

I really think I could eat roasted or grilled veggie salads most days of the week. Maybe I could alternate the salads with pizza. Yep, I'd be one happy camper.

Daily To-Enjoy List
  • Getting my User Analyst test done - officially a Certified User Analyst woohoo!
  • Spin class
  • Roasted veggie salad for an easy dinner
  • Some couch time - catching up on Big Brother


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